Training and Development Programs: Indispensable in Leading to Up-gradation of Knowledge and Competencies among Employees: Methods of Training and Development
In different types of organizations, the methods of training and development that are put into practice vary. When making selection of the training and development methods, there are number of factors that need to be taken into account by the trainers, supervisors and employers. These are, job duties and responsibilities; organizational goals and objectives; methods, procedures and strategies needed in the implementation of job duties and the overall structure of the organizations. The trainers need to ensure, when they are making use of training and development methods, they contribute in a significant manner in leading to up-gradation of competencies and abilities among employees (Training and Development, 2017). Furthermore, the employees should clarify their doubts and problems. The employees need to be provided with the opportunities to express their viewpoints, which would lead to up-gradation of training and development programs. Within the course of time, it is necessary to bring about transformations in the methods of training and development. When transformations are brought about, it needs to be ensured, they prove to be beneficial to the employees as well as the overall structure of the organizations. Methods of training and development are stated as follows:
Lecture Method
The lecture method is the method, which is put into operation by the trainers within the classroom settings. In this method, the trainers make use of teaching-learning methods in a manner that would impart information among trainees in terms of concepts and methodologies. The trainers normally make use of various types of teaching-learning materials within the course of implementation of their job duties. These are, dark-coloured or light-coloured boards, technologies, internet, books, articles, reports, projects, and other reading materials. In this method, the trainees are provided with the opportunities of putting forward their questions before their teachers and clarifying their doubts. As a consequence, trainees will be able to facilitate their learning and understanding. The trainees are also provided with the opportunities of giving presentations. Hence, one of the major benefits of this method is, it facilitates interaction among trainers and trainees. Therefore, lecture method is regarded as one of the indispensable methods of training and development.
In the coaching method, the trainees are put under the coach or instructor. The coach or instructor is vested with the job duty of imparting knowledge and understanding among students in terms of methods, strategies and approaches. In this method, either interaction takes place verbally or various machines, tools, technologies and materials are put into operation. In this method, the trainees are provided with the opportunities of putting forward their questions before their teachers and clarifying their doubts. As a consequence, trainees will be able to facilitate their learning and understanding. The trainees are required to pay wholehearted attention. They need to develop motivation towards learning and augmenting their competencies and abilities. Furthermore, they need to adequately understand what their trainers are imparting them. Hence, one of the major benefits of this method is, it facilitates interaction among trainers and trainees. Therefore, coaching is one of the crucial methods of training and development.
Job Rotation
The transferring of the individuals from one job to another and from one department to another in a systematic manner is known as job rotation. This enables the individuals to develop diversified skills and a broader outlook. The employees are able to augment their knowledge and understanding in terms of other departments as well. This helps in increasing interdepartmental co-operation and reduces monotony at work. When the members are getting engaged in different job duties, they will be able to contribute in a significant manner in development of motivation towards learning and augmenting their competencies and abilities. They need to listen to and obey the instructions of their superiors in a well-organized and disciplined manner. Furthermore, the employees are able to incur the feeling of job satisfaction and retain their jobs. One of the major benefits of this method is, it facilitates up-gradation of competencies, abilities and aptitude among employees. Therefore, job rotation is the vital method of training and development.
Case Studies
Case studies are related to the cases. These are conveyed to the employees when they are able to augment their knowledge and understanding in terms of the real business cases that take place within the organizations. In this method, trainees are given cases, which they have to study and analyse. They are to identify the hidden problems and suggest solutions to them. The benefits of case study method are, they render an important contribution in honing analytical, critical thinking and decision making skills. These skills need to be up-graded within the course of implementation of job duties. The decision making is an integral part of the professional lives of the individuals, hence, they need to hone decision making skills. The up-gradation of analytical and critical thinking skills would contribute in doing well in one’s job duties and in achieving organizational goals. Hence, the case study method need to put emphasis on up-gradation of these skills. Therefore, it can be stated, case studies is the essential method of training and development.
Role Plays
In the role play method, the trainees are given an act, in which there are characters. They are required to assume the roles of characters. They speak the dialogue and act out the play. For example, in the job duties of marketing and sales, the employees are required to communicate with the customers to market their products. Hence, they need to be well-versed in terms of benefits and usefulness of products. In order to put into practice their job duties successfully, they need to be informative in terms of ways of interacting with the customers. Through the implementation of the role play method, the employees are able to contribute in a significant manner in augmenting their competencies and abilities. Furthermore, this method is regarded as pleasurable and motivating to a major extent. Hence, role plays need to put emphasis on up-gradation of knowledge, skills and abilities among employees. Therefore, role plays is the meaningful method of training and development.
An understudy is the person, who is in training to assume at a future time a complete responsibility of the position, which is currently held by his or her superior. The understudy has the primary objective of augmenting his or her knowledge, skills and abilities that are needed to do well in ones jobs and achieve the desired objectives. The post for which he or she is preparing himself may fall vacant due to retirement, transfer, or promotion. The benefits of case study method are, they render an important contribution in honing communication, problem-solving, analytical, critical thinking and decision making skills. These skills need to be up-graded within the course of implementation of job duties. When the understudy are getting engaged in different types of job duties and responsibilities, they will be able to contribute in a significant manner in development of motivation towards work and augmenting their skills and capabilities. Therefore, understudy is the eminent method of training and development.
Incident Method
The incidents are prepared on the basis of the actual situations. The trainees are required to conduct an analysis of the incident. They need to provide solutions to the problems of the individuals, who are required to cope with incidents in real life. Through the implementation of this method, the individuals are able to develop their intellectual abilities, practical judgement and social awareness. In this method, trainees are given various incidents, which they have to study and analyse. They are to identify the problems that are to be experienced by individuals in real lives and suggest solutions to them. The benefits of this method are, they render an important contribution in honing communication, presentation, problem-solving, analytical, critical thinking and decision making skills. These skills need to be up-graded within the course of implementation of methods in job duties, achievement of organizational goals and in leading to up-gradation of the overall structure of the organizations. Therefore, incident method is the advantageous method of training and development.
In-Basket Method
In this method, the trainees are imparted information in terms of various aspects of the organizations, i.e. personnel, memoranda, requests, and other data pertaining to the organization. The employees need to acquire an efficient understanding of the job duties of how to make roles, assign tasks and prepare memos within the specified period of time. When the members are getting engaged in different job duties, they will be able to contribute in a significant manner in development of motivation towards putting into operation job duties and responsibilities. In addition, they will be able to augment their competencies and abilities. They need to listen to and obey the instructions of their employers and supervisors in an efficient and disciplined manner. Furthermore, the employees are unable to incur the feeling of job satisfaction. One of the major benefits of this method is, it facilitates up-gradation of competencies, abilities and aptitude among employees. Therefore, in-basket method is the method of training and development, which has proven to be beneficial to the employees in all types of organizations.
Business Game
In this method, the trainees are divided into groups or teams. The members of the team are required to get engaged in discussion and arrive at a decision. When the decision making processes are put into operation, the analysis is conducted of the alternatives. After the analysis is conducted, they need to make selection of the best suitable alternative. In the method of business game, the decisions are required to be made in terms of various aspects related to business. These are, production, pricing, research, expenditure and so forth. This method facilitates in enhancing information among employees in terms of organizational abilities, rapidness of thinking, leadership skills, communication skills, presentation skills, problem-solving skills, analytical skills, critical thinking skills and decision making skills. Furthermore, the employees are able to up-grade their skills to deal with stressful situations. Therefore, business game is the method of training and development, which has contributed significantly in honing professionalism among employees.
Sensitivity Training
Sensitivity training is the method of training and development, which has contributed meaningfully in honing professionalism among employees. Within the course of implementation of job duties, achieving organizational goals and in leading to up-gradation of the overall structure of the organizations, the employees need to take into account various factors, i.e. augment their knowledge, competencies and abilities; communicating with each other in an efficient manner; treating each other with respect and courtesy; making wise and productive decisions; being well-versed in terms of organizational abilities; possessing the abilities to deal with stressful situations; development of motivation towards putting into operation job duties and responsibilities; taking out sufficient amount of time for all tasks and activities; depicting honesty and truthfulness and inculcating the traits of morality, ethics, diligence and conscientiousness. The method of sensitivity training render an important contribution in leading to reinforcement of these factors among trainees. Therefore, sensitivity training is the method of training and development, which has contributed in developing mutual understanding among employees.
Training and Development. (n.d.). Retrieved December 10, 2021 from
Training and Development. (2017). Retrieved December 10, 2021 from
Training and Development. (2021). Retrieved December 10, 2021 from
Training and Development Meaning, Importance, Process & Example. (2021). Retrieved
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What is Training and Development? (2021). Retrieved December 10, 2021 from
Reflection and Key Takeaway:
The employee turnover is the main problem recently as the employees, they are tending to look for the company with the good working condition and flexibility. The best way to attract and maintain employee engagement is (1) Define Your Values and Mission (2) Lead by Example (3) Foster Open Communication (4) Invest in Employee Development (5) Create a Sense of Belonging (6) Recognize and Reward Performance (7) Embrace Flexibility and Work-Life Balance
All of these methods have pros and cons, the company need to consider which method is fit to their staff and company objective. I think the company need to consider who we need them to train, what skills/contents, what is the result that would like to get, then select which method that we should use.
ReplyDeleteThe implementation method is not always fixed. We believed that the HR and people interaction are always dynamic.
DeleteIn my opinion, besides making employees have more knowledge , the purpose of these methods is trying to make employees understand each other's roles at work. When they understand their co-workers JD, they could see the bigger picture and problems and have better understanding from before during job operations or decision making process.
ReplyDeleteI totally agree on your reflection as the employee will understand their role and job description.
DeleteI agree on the article totally, especially in n Thailand I think sensitivity training is very important. We have a diversity in culture and environment. Interpersonal relationships and respects for others are highly valued. The method of sensitivity training can contribute significantly to enhancing professionalism.
ReplyDeleteI think the learning on Organization Culture is essential. the diversity in culture will create the gap and conflict in the workplace.
DeleteUnderstudy method is great for talent development . It allows transferring knowledge and experience to younger Apprenticeship and future talents.