The Components of Strategic Employee Resourcing

Strategic Resourcing as Key Aspect of Strategic Human Resource Management: The Components of Strategic Employee Resourcing

The Components of Strategic Employee Resourcing

In order to lead to the implementation of strategic resourcing in an appropriate manner, it is necessary to take into consideration various components. These have been stated as follows:

Workforce Planning Workforce planning is also known as human resource planning. It is comprehensively understood that the main objective of every organization is to ensure that job positions are filled with well-qualified, competent and capable employees, who would render a significant contribution in the implementation of job duties and in achieving the desired goals and objectives. Furthermore, workforce planning also involves assessing the future business needs and making decisions in terms of recruitment and selection of human resources. The organization need to organise training and development programs and ensure the human resources are able to up-grade their skills and abilities satisfactorily. Therefore, it can be stated that in the case of workforce planning, the members, who are in leadership positions, such as directors, managers, supervisors and so forth, need to conduct research on regular basis and put into operation the measures and approaches that are necessary in up-grading their job performance and career prospects.

Development of an Organization’s Employee Value Proposition and its Employer BrandThe employee value proposition is what an organization offers to those prospective or existing employees who would value and which would help them to persuade to join or remain in the business. Employer brand is referred to the image that is presented by the organization as a good employer (Armstrong & Taylor, 2014). As it has been comprehensively understood that when the job positions are to be filled with well-qualified, competent and experienced candidates, a job analysis is conducted. After the implementation of recruitment and selection methods, the hiring authorities are able to make selection of the candidates. After the candidates are selected, they need to be retained. For this purpose, it is necessary to implement certain approaches, such as, pay and incentives, rewards, job rotation, and so forth. Therefore, it is vital to ensure development of an organization’s employee value proposition and its employer brand.

Resourcing Plans – Resourcing plans are referred to the plans for bringing about up-gradation of knowledge and competencies among people from within the organization. With the advent of modernization and globalization, there have been advancements taking place. In production, service and various types of organizations, it is vital for the members to generate information in terms of modern, scientific and innovative methods. In the implementation of their job duties, they need to make use of modern, technical and pioneering methods. For this purpose, they attend training and development programs within the organizations. Furthermore, they need to conduct research on regular basis in terms of various methods, approaches and strategies that can be put into operation on regular basis to up-grade their skills and abilities. Therefore, it can be stated that resourcing plans need to be implemented on regular basis and when human resources abide by them, they can render a significant contribution in the achievement of goals and objectives.

Retention Plans – Retention plans are the plans that have the main objective of retaining individuals within the organization. When the employees are skilled, diligent, moral, truthful and regular in their performance, the employers aim to devise methods and strategies to retain them even for long-term, which can be more than five years or as permanent employees. Hence, in order to retain employees, it is vital to generate awareness in terms of methods and approaches. There are various factors that need to be taken into consideration. These include, creating amiable and pleasant working environmental conditions, providing infrastructure and civic amenities, providing technologies and materials for effective job performance, salary and incentives, benefits and rewards, counselling and guidance facilities, grievance redresser procedures, promoting effective communication, assistance in enhancing one’s career prospects and job rotation. When these factors are taken into consideration appropriately, the workforce not feel motivated towards the performance of job duties, but they are able to get retained as well.

Flexibility Plans – The main aim of flexibility plans is to promote increased flexibility in the utilization of human resources. When the human resources are implementing their job duties, it needs to be ensured that they do not feel stressed and pressurised. For instance, when they are working on a research project, they should be given sufficient time to carry out their job duties in an effective manner. In some cases, due to personal problems, the employees may have to take leave from work. Hence, when they are taking leave from work, they may not be able to carry out their job duties, unless they can work from home as well. Therefore, when the employers are able to acquire an efficient understanding of their problems and when the reasons for leaves are genuine, then the utilization of human resources can take place in an operative manner. When the organizations are able to make effective use of human resources, they will be able to progress and achieve the desired goals and objectives.

Talent Management – Talent is referred to the aptitude and abilities of the individuals to carry out a task or activity. Within the course of implementation of job duties, all individuals have one primary objective of carrying out their job duties in a well-organized manner and achieving the desired goals and objectives. In order to achieve the desired goals, it is essential for the human resources to augment their talents. In order to manage one’s talents, it is vital to get engaged in continuous practice. One needs to ensure they do not become unaware in terms of talents and competencies that they possess and make effective use of them in the implementation of job duties. For instance, if an employee is skilled at making artistic artworks and paintings, then he may make use of his skills, in painting pictures of certain concepts when there is organization of a conference or a seminar. Therefore, it can be stated that talent management is regarded as one of the indispensable aspects in enriching one’s career prospects.

Technological Advancements – Technological advancements are regarded as one of the significant aspects that are facilitating the implementation of job duties. When the individuals are making use of technologies, they are able to implement their job duties in a smooth manner in lesser duration of time. Hence, it is crucial for the human resources to be well-equipped with the usage of technologies. One can gain proficiency in terms of usage of technologies with sufficient practice. When the workforce are not well-equipped with usage of technologies, they may experience setbacks within the course of performance of job duties. Therefore, it is vital for them to get engaged in regular practice. It is important to recognize the significance of learning. Learning new things takes place throughout the job performance of the individuals. Throughout their jobs, they need to augment their understanding and generate awareness in terms of various areas. Therefore, it can be stated that advancements in technologies and development of skills among individuals in terms of usage of technologies would lead to achievement of desired goals and objectives.

Employee learning and Growth – Employee learning and growth is referred to continued learning and responsiveness. Implementing effective learning and growth of the employees is one of the major goals of the organizations. When the employees are recruited and selected within the organization, there are certain aspects that need to be taken into consideration, i.e. educational qualifications, competencies, aptitude, capabilities, and personality traits. After they have been selected, it is vital for them to up-grade their competencies and abilities, so they can fulfil the job expectations. In order to achieve the desired goals and objectives, it is vital for them to learn and acquire an efficient understanding of various aspects. In order to efficiently focus on employee learning and growth, there are organization of seminars and workshops. In seminars and workshops, the employees learn a set of skills to meet both practical business needs and personal needs of other individuals. Furthermore, communication skills are also focused upon, as it is crucial to focus upon appropriate communication skills throughout one’s jobs (Learning and Development Opportunities, n.d.).

Conducive Working Environment – The working environmental conditions need to be favourable and encouraging. When the working environmental conditions would be encouraging, the employees would be able to render a significant contribution in the achievement of organizational goals and incur job satisfaction. In order to create conducive working environment, there are various factors that need to be taken into consideration. These are, communicating effectively with others, ensuring the availability of proper infrastructure, amenities and facilities, making provision of technologies, materials, tools and equipment, maintaining good terms and relationships with others, generating awareness in terms of organizational goals and performance of job duties, making provision of equal rights and opportunities to all members, not discriminating on the basis of caste, creed, race, ethnicity, religion, gender, age, and socio-economic background, formulation of measures aimed at promoting well-being, management of resources and possession of an amiable and approachable nature. When the members of the organization are well-aware of these factors and are working in co-ordination and integration with each other, they will be able to create a conducive working environment. Effective Management of Resources – The three resources that need to be managed in order to lead to operative growth and development of the organization are human resources, financial resources and technical resources. Human resources are regarded to be of utmost significance. It is essential for human resources to up-grade their skills and abilities to carry out their job duties in a satisfactory and well-organized manner. Furthermore, they need to inculcate the traits of diligence, resourcefulness, and conscientiousness. Financial resources are important, as to carry out various kinds of tasks and activities and to ensure proper functioning of the organization, it is essential to manage financial resources. Technical resources are the resources that contribute efficiently in the implementation of job duties. Within the organization, the various types of technologies that are used are, computers, lap-tops, I pads, mobile phones, printers, scanners, and photocopiers. The employees need be well-equipped and competent regarding their usage. The technologies need to be maintained and managed in an effective manner. Therefore, it can be stated that effective management of resources is indispensable in achievement of desired goals and objectives.

Armstrong, M. & Taylor, S. (2014). Human Resource Management Practice. Retrieved 
January 05, 2020 from
Chapter 5. (n.d.).  Performance Appraisal Methods. Retrieved February 05, 2020 from
Cristian, M., & Stefania, P.R. (n.d.). Human Resources Strategies – Resourcing Strategy. 
Retrieved February 05, 2020 from
Davis, A., & Scully, J. (n.d.). Chapter 4. Strategic Resourcing. Retrieved February 05, 2020
Learning and Development Opportunities to Grow Your Career. (n.d.). University of 
California. Retrieved February 05, 2020 from

Reflection and Key Takeaway:

Employee requires high respect and opened communication. The two-way communication will encourage the group and team’ participations. Once company is able to solve this concern, and everyone understand the common goal which lead to the achievement. Business Ethic and Ethical Human Resource Management is to promote the fairness within the company. By adopting the 8 principles will create the good business environment and culture with lead to the long term business goal and achievement. Company also require to have the training and development program which aim to promote; (1) Develop a Code of Ethics (2) Communicate the Code of Ethics (3) Provide Ethical Training (4) Lead by Example (5) Encourage Open Dialogue (6) Foster Ethical Decision-Making (7) Recognize and Reward Ethical Behavior (8) Continuous Reinforcement (9) Embed Ethics in Policies and Procedures (10) Evaluate and Improve.


  1. All of these are the checklist and responsibilities of HR need to do (support by CEO/management) to take care of employees who are the important resource of the company/organization.

    1. The checklist should be reviewed and ensure that lists and criteria are fair and related to all the performance of the staff.

  2. This is quite of a tough work for HRM due to HRM needs to understand employee's "INDIVIDUALITY" so HRM could align the most suitable program for employees. Also I think, having a word with employee before conduct anything should be done in order to make sure it is useful , the reasons, and employee still understand the company mission and vision.

  3. Startegic employee resourcing using organizations resources to recruit and develop, retain internal and external talent for achieving organizational requirements and strategy.


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